2016-2017 Wild Turkey Challenge
The Pennsylvania Wild Turkey Challenge is one of the series to accomplish the Pennsylvania Triple Trophy. The Challenge will run from the Pennsylvania Fall Season through the Pennsylvania Spring Season. This challenge is open to anyone who harvests a PA Wild Turkey during the challenge year. By registering your PA Wild Turkey and submitting a picture, you will be entered into a random drawing. Not all particpants need to submit a score if they do not wish to. All PA Wild Turkey scores will be placed in our records and the top Pennsylvania Wild Turkey will receive the license year's PA Triple Trophy Unlimited PA Wild Turkey Print.
Wild Turkey Challenge Quick Links
Report Your Harvest
to the
PA Game Commission
Fall Turkey
Spring Turkey
Scoring Events
Submission Form
Spring Turkey Event
2016-2017 Wild Turkey Challenge Corporate Spornsors
2016-2017  Pennsylvania Fall Turkey
2016-2017 Pennsylvania
​Fall Turkey Challenge
​Wild Turkey Challenge

Hunters Name                     Score

  1. Scott E. Harper
  2. Michael Kocon
  3. Jeremy Wawrzonek
  4. Chad Buerk
  5. Ron Smith
  6. Ryan Keith
  7. m2
Corporate Sponsor

Scott E Harper                   65.000

Black Ash Outdoor Products, LLC.

Michael Kocon                           -

Mouthy Maynard Calls

Jeremy Wawrzonek               -

Gold Sponsor

Chad Buerk                                   -

Gold Sponsor

Ron Smith                                      -

Gold Sponsor

Ryan Keith                                    -​​

Silver Sponsor

-   -

Silver Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Ridged Outdoor Skull Cleaning
Cross Country Camo
Apparition™ Scents
2016-2017 Youth Spring Turkey Challenge
2016-2017 Pennsylvania
​Wild Turkey Challenge

Hunters Name                     Score

  1. sfgnsfnfsgnfsn
  2. m2
  3. m
  4. m2
  5. m
  6. m2
  7. m
  8. m2


Corporate Sponsor


Black Ash Outdoor Products, LLC.


Mouthy Maynard Calls


Gold Sponsor


Gold Sponsor


Gold Sponsor


Silver Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Ridged Outdoor Skull Cleaning
Cross Country Camo
Apparition™ Scents
2016-2017  Pennsylvania Spring Turkey Challenge
2016-2017 Pennsylvania
​Wild Turkey Challenge

Hunters Name                     Score

  1. sfgnsfnfsgnfsn
  2. m2
  3. m
  4. m2
  5. m
  6. m2
  7. m
  8. m2


Corporate Sponsor


Black Ash Outdoor Products, LLC.


Mouthy Maynard Calls


Gold Sponsor


Gold Sponsor


Gold Sponsor


Silver Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Ridged Outdoor Skull Cleaning
Cross Country Camo
Apparition™ Scents
How to Score your Turkey
What does your turkey Score? Harvesting a wild turkey is an accomplishment in itself, but the size of the bird will never compare to the experience leading to the moment you tagged your bird. Each year PA Triple Trophy will build our records, but not all brids need an official score to be in the records. If you would like to submit your bird's score, we will add you to our records. However, you can also submit basic information without a score and still be part of the record books. 

PA Triple Trophy Unlimited will follow the National Wild Turkey Federation Scoring system.

Scoring your Turkey

Step 1

​Weigh your Bird:

The weight of your turkey must be in pounds and ounces and converted to the decimal form.

  • ​Weigh your turkey to the nearest ounce.
  • ​For records take a picture of your turkey on the scales showing the weight.
  • ​Any Eastern Turkey weighing more than 22 pounds must be weighed on inspected and certified scales by the State Department of Aguculture.  You could also check you local Grocery Store or Post Office.

Example: 18 pounds 9 ounces = 18.5625

​Points for the Turkey's weight = 18.5625

​​Step 2

​Measure the Spurs:

Measure each spur along the outside center of the spur to the nearst 1/16 of an inch and convert to the decimal form.

  • ​Measure from the point the spur protudes from the leg to the tip.
  • ​Add the measurements of both spurs and multiply by 10
  • ​Take a picture of the spurs next to a scale.

​Example: Rt Spur: 1 inch 3/16 = 1.1875
​Lt Spur: 1inch 4/16 = 1.25

​1.2500  + 1.1875 = 2.4375
2.4375 X 10 = 24.4375

​Points for the Spurs = 24.4375

Step 3 ​​

​Measure the Beard(s) Length:

Measure the length of the beard, or beards, to the nearest 1/16 of an inch and convert to the decimal form.

  • ​Measure the Beard from the center point of the protruding skin to the tip.
  • ​If your turkey has multiple beards, measure each beard and add them together.
  • ​Multiply the total length of the beard(s) by 2.
  • ​Take a picture of the beard next to a scale.
  • ​For multiple beards, take a picture clearly showing the beards on the bird.

Total beard(s) = 10 inch 7/16 = 10.4375

​10.4375 x 2 = 20.875

Points for the Beard(s)  = 20.875

Step 4 ​​

​Add your points together:

  • Weight Points
  • Spur Points
  • Beard Points​​

​Points for the Turkey's weight = 18.5625
Points for the Spurs = 24.4375
Points for the Beard(s)  = 20.875

Your Total Score = 63.8750

Scoring Events
Do you need your Wild Turkey scored? Below is a list of events where you can have your Wild Turkey scored.

Can't make it to a scoring event? You can also score your Wild Turkey yourself or submit the score from your local event not listed below.

PA Triple Trophy Unlimited will need to officially score the top ten scores submitted for our records. Arrangements will be made to obtain official scores once the top ten are determined.  

If you need more information, contact us and we will help you.
  1. 2017
    Scoring Events
    No events currently scheduled...
  2. 2017
    Scoring Events
    No events currently scheduled...
  3. 2017
    Scoring Events
    No events currently scheduled...
  4. 2017
    Scoring Events
    No events currently scheduled...
Pa Triple Trophy Unlimited
Submission Form / Rules / Regulations

Submission Form

Rules / Regulations

​​​Submit Your Pictures

​Email your by clicking on the button below
  1. PA Wild Turkey must be free range and harvested in the state of Pennsylvania during the current license season.
  2. PA Wild Turkey must be harvested by legal means according to Pennsylvania Game Commission.
  3. PA Wild Turkey must be legally tagged and reported to the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
  4. PA Triple Trophy Unlimited scoring will be based on NWTF scoring (How To Score your Wild Turkey)
  5. Weight of the turkey recorded in Pounds and ounces. Convert the ounces to decimal. See Conversion Chart
  6. All measurements will be taken to the closest 1/16” and recorded in decimals. See  Conversion Chart
  7. Measure the beard(s) to the longest strand. If the turkey has multiple beards enter each beard length separate with a /. Example 6 /4 /2.5
  8. Measure the right and left spur. Birds with multiple spurs measure only the longest spur on each leg.
  9. Bearded Hen will be measured the same way. When no spurs are present enter, “0” in the spur length field.
  10. Submit pictures clearly showing the beard(s) and spurs next to a scale.
  11. Submit a picture of the bird on the scale clearly showing the weight.
  12. All scores and decisions by PA Triple Trophy Unlimited will be final.
  13. Any rules broken will be grounds for disqualification and removed from the record books.
Submit your Picutres
​​​Report your Harvest

​Report your harvest to the
Pennsylvania Game Commission
Report Your Harvest